Last full moon, I made a spiritual bath for myself and my quarantine partner. It’s such a lovely practice, and the smell of herbs and flowers is heavenly. It’s cleansing for body, mind, spirit… whatever is bothering you. I used grocery store herbs - mint, tarragon, sage, rosemary, basil - some dried rose petals, and half a stick of moxa, which is mugwort. Here’s how to do it for yourself, whether it’s the full moon or not:

(adapted from Grace Alvarez Sesma, curanderismo.org)

Traditional among indigenous peoples of Central America, this bath helps in the cleansing of the body, mind, emotions, and auric field of inner and outer negativity, and/or stagnant energy that may be causing difficulties at the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level. Great for anxiety, depression, overwhelm - anytime you feel the need for a calming, fragrant reset. Also useful for empaths or therapists who may have picked up emotions that do not belong with them. The olfactory system of nerves connects directly to the autonomic nervous system, so pleasant, flowery scents help calm and regulate our mood, memory, behavior, and emotions.

Children will especially enjoy doing a "flower bath," and this can be helpful for nightmares, behavior issues, or phobias. Read these instructions in advance so that you have all the materials and ingredients you will need. It is important that you set aside ample time alone to pray, reflect, and prepare.

Ideally, this bath should be taken during the full moon, but it's fine to do it any other time as well - just keep a sacred intention.

You'll need to get a generous handful each of the following organic herbs, fresh if possible, or dry: rue or rosemary, mugwort, white sage, and basil. These plants are chosen for their purifying qualities, but others are also beneficial. If you have a garden and have access to organic herbs and flowers, that's great.

Choose plants that will bring meaning and healing for you. Plants you like the smell of are ideal! Choose from dried or fresh lavender, oregano, basil, mint, marigold, rose, yarrow, lemon balm, hibiscus, saint johns wort, echinacea, aloe, or any non-toxic plants you resonate with. City dwellers may want to use organic herbs from the supermarket.

DO NOT EVER USE ANYTHING WITH PESTICIDES ON IT, such as commercially sold flowers.

Prepare by showering and washing your hair ahead of time so that your body is clean and ready for this beautiful ritual.

 1.     Purification and Reflection. Use the smoke of copal resin or white sage to smudge yourself and your environment thoroughly. Then taking as much time as you need, think deeply about what it is that you wish to release. This will help you set your intention for the bath. You may wish to do this reflection practice a couple of days before the bath so that you have more clarity about what it is you wish to experience as a result of this limpia espiritual. For example, your intention could be clearing the root cause of illness, anxiety, fear, chronic negative self-talk, anger, or envidia (envy) directed towards you, or that you feel towards another person; obstacles to having harmonious relationships in your personal and professional life, or letting go of unforgiveness and grudges towards another person, and towards yourself. Be willing to let go of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual effects of hurtful words and actions and harmful thoughts directed towards you, and from you to others, and just as importantly, if not more so, from you to yourself. Be willing to release the harmful effects of all past trauma, or susto.

 2.     Steep the herbs. Place the herbs in a large pot of cold water, breaking them up with your hands mindfully and with gratitude towards the plants (and the spirits of the plants) who have given themselves to you for this cleansing. Bring to a simmer.

 3.     Light a candle in gratitude for the good medicine of the herbs and plants that have been given to us to use for our health and well-being. Ask for protection and blessings from Creator, Good Healing Spirits, Grandmother Moon, and your Guides as you set your intention for the bath.

 4.     Bathe. Once the water has come to a simmer, turn it off and let it sit for a few minutes. Run a clean, warm bath, leaving room for the herbal water. Then carefully remove the pot from the stove, strain out herbs (used herbs can be composted or added to your garden or house plants), add the herbal water to your already warm bath water and soak in it for at least 15-20 minutes. It is very important that you make sure that the water touches every nook and cranny of your body ­- from your head to the soles of your feet and everywhere in between. If you like, you can repeat the prayers you offered earlier while you pour the water over yourself. Allow the prayed-over water, your deeply held intention, and the healing power of the plants to wash away fatigue, confusion, anger, fear, and grief.

 5.     While in the bathtub, you may wish to say the following phrases out loud, mindfully and with feeling: "I now return any energy that I may have taken from someone, knowingly or unknowingly, to its source, with blessings of love and peace." (3x); then "I call back any of my own personal power or energy that I have given away, knowingly or unknowingly, that I may restored to wholeness and balance." (3x) Afterward, simply sit in stillness remembering to breathe normally.

 6.     If you do not have a tub, you may use your shower. After bathing and washing hair, rinse off, then bring the strained herbal water in a bucket with you into the shower - add enough water to make it a comfortably warm temperature - and scoop over yourself with prayerful intent. Make sure that the water touches every crevice and fold of your body. Take your time and enjoy the lovely scent that envelopes you. As the sacred water cascades over you, mentally see it entering your body so that all that needs to be released, inner and outer, leaves your body/mind/spirit and returns to the earth by flowing down the drain.

 7.     The bath takes about 20 minutes in order to do it with thoughtfulness and surrender. Once you feel that you're done, do not rinse off, instead allow the blessing of the herbal medicine to remain on your skin. Step out carefully and air dry as much as possible. You may want to lie on a towel on the bed and listen to music. Wear a robe or use a blanket if it's cool in the room.

For the next three days: Listen to uplifting music, read spiritual books, or watch funny or inspirational movies, and do gentle exercises such as qigong, tai chi, or yoga or go for walks in nature. Avoid being around persons who indulge in negative talk or gossip. Drink plenty of water and eat good healthy food. Honor the needs of your body and your spirit. Repeat this bath whenever you feel the need.